Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Democrat's Creed

I Democrat, agree to demoralize America as much as I can.

I promise to say treasonous statements about sitting and past presidents and their administrations because I know that the media will mention my statements (briefly), but there will be no repercussions for doing so.

I promise to tell the world about our military plans and strategies.

I will keep our enemies informed to the best of my ability.

I will do whatever I can to get into office by making promises to people that I know I can not and have no intention of keeping.

I promise to dismiss history all together and rewrite it the way I see fit.

When presented with facts, I will dismiss it as propaganda.

I will allow open borders as long as foreigners "promise" they won't enter our country illegally, and if they do, I will ensure there are social programs available for them once they arrive. I believe in a speedy path to citizenship if they do break our immigration laws as well.

I will have the balls to agree to war under the condition that no one is killed - on either side - and only if we leave before our mission is accomplished.

I promise to use the word "progressive" to hide the fact that I am a liberal.

I believe the only true marriage is between a Man and a Man or a Women and a Women.

I promise to create as much racism in our country as possible so I can use that to further my own political agenda.

I promise to deny the fact that our country was founded by Christians.

I will do whatever I can in my power to allow all radical Ismalists to roam free in our country without harassment.

I promise to erase pride in America by any means possible because I know that America is the worst country on Earth. I will make statements frequently to that effect as well.

I promise to only debate on television networks that are exclusively liberal.

I will refuse to answer any hard questions that is asked of me by the media or by the general public.

I promise to raise taxes to the point that collapses our economy. I firmly believe lowering taxes has always proven to lower the governments revenue and has never gotten us out of debt.

I promise to socialize America as much as possible so every citizen is dependent on the government.

I understand that communism is the only way of government.

I understand that democracy should be considered a swear word.

I promise to befriend any and all dictators in the world because they are such nice people really.

I agree with all the above statements with all my heart, I am a Democrat.


Chris said...

I promise to burn as many American flags as i can, because it is officially a matter a free speech and i cannot be held for treason.

Doug said...

I believe there is no bag limit on unborn humans.

I believe that pornography is protected speech.

I believe that Republicans have long, yellow fangs, mangy fur, and eat children.

I believe that I'm an intellectual.

Chris said...

i promise to take all your bribes and act upon them for the sole reason to take advantage of limitless terms of office.

Weidy said...

I should have added this also:

I promise to steal classified documents and shred them to protect the President at all costs.

Chris said...

unless you're a Republican president, then it'll go in the news in the following matter of importance.

1) 2nd page news: Valerie Plame after 4 consecutive months of attention.

2) 3rd page news: War strategy in the Middle East leaked to warn our enemies.

3) Somewhere in the middle: Bush enforcing the Patriot Act to seek Terrorists that somehow got through our Border Patrol.

3) Front page news: All of the above, in the NY Times.

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Anonymous said...

This was great. It gave me a laugh.